Join DAR

This Sounds awesome!  How do I join?

Grades 1-3: First Lego League Explore

  • FLL Explore meets once a week.  Usually on Sat morning.  They meet for around 10 weeks.
  • Sessions are run a couple times a year depending on our schedule.
  • The cost for the 10 weeks sessions are approximately $150 but is subject to change.
  • Students build a moving environment and do basic programming.

Please fill in the form to get on our mailing list.  We will contact you when a session will begin.

Grades 4-6: First Lego League (FLL)

It's time to build a robot that has to drive and do something!

  • Students build and program a robot that accomplishes a specific set of challenging tasks.
  • But FLL is more than robots.  Students also research a real-work problem and propose a solution.  They prepare a presentation to show off their idea.
  • The FLL season starts in late Summer.  The teams usually meet twice a week.  The season culminates in super fun competitions in Dec-Jan. 
  • Teams can progress to additional competitions including the FIRST World Championships (April).  DAR has had teams compete at the World Championship.
  • The cost for the season is roughly $300 and is subject to change.

Fill in the form if you are interested.  FLL teams are formed in late Summer.  We will contact you when teams are forming.

Grades 6-9: FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC)

Time to graduate from Legos and start learning to build a fully functioning robot.

  • Teams build larger robots using custom designed metal, motors and sensors. 
  • FTC teams  compete 2v2 in a 12x12 field.  
  • Teams start using hand tools and power tools.
  • Some teams receive introduction to CAD and 3D printing.  
  • The season starts in late Summer and go through the competition season in Feb.  Teams can progress to higher level competitions include the FIRST World Champsion.  DAR has had several FTC compete at the World Championship.
  • Teams meet a minimum of 2x a week but will meet more often as required.  
  • Some FTC teams will meet off season to learn new skills and prototype new ideas.
  • Cost for the season is $425.  Scholarships are available.  No students are turned away for financial reasons.

Fill in the form if you are interested.  FTC teams are formed in late Summer.  We will contact you when teams are forming.

Grades 8-12: FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)

Time for the big robots and intense competitions. This is real-world hands-on engineering. FRC is the hardest fun you will ever have.


Learn to use professional engineering tools.  Learn state-of-the-art programming.  Learn data analysis.  


Not interested in engineering?  No problem.  FRC also needs marketing and business students for external communication and social media management.  

  • DAR has a single FRC team with a storied history. 
  • The FRC build season starts in early Jan with the introduction of the new game.  
  • The team begins with an intense build season for roughly 8 weeks until the first competition.  
  • During build season the team will strategize, CAD, manufacture, wire, and program a fully functioning 125lb robot.  
  • The team will be active 6 days a week during the build and competition season but no student is required to attend all days.  But they will want to!  (homework comes first)
  • The team can progress through the competitions to the FIRST World Championship.  Because of a lot of hard work and student dedication, DAR's FRC team has made it to the World Championship the previous 10 years.  
  • The FRC team meets 1-2 days a week during the off season for training and prototyping.  It is the only DAR program that meets all year.  
  • The cost for the year is $625 and is subject to change.  Scholarships are available.  No student is turned away for financial reasons.

If you fill in the interest form you will be contacted.  FRC takes students anytime during the year.  



Email us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can!

Sign me up.

Are you interesting in joining one of our teams? Please fill out the form below. We keep waitlist for all our teams and we will reach out when a team starts and slots are available.